石水林 moss33一Gardening

Welcome to my gardening!

Stone. Water. Plants ... the elements of a garden. I've always been a keen observer of nature and a gardener, from schoolboy days to the present. I've grown cacti gardens, tropical gardens, townscape gardens, bulb gardens and indoor plants in containers and experimented with bonsai and fungi. It fulfills the need in my life to nurture, its temptation lures me outdoors and it slightly ameliorates sloth

Forgive me, gentle reader, but gardens are slow and websites are at digital speed. My personal garden snaps go back to my grandfather's mistress in her backyard in my adolesence ... perhaps we'll start a new page reconstructing natural history here

La vie ancienne.
Patience, Grasshopper, patience. Here's some more recent snaps of mine, a foretaste of what yet one day is to be seen, maybe
try here ... Kyoto Gardens.